- Après un premier rejet et plusieurs mois d’attente, la Commission Européenne vient de donner son feu vert à la collecte des signatures pour demander aux institutions européennes d’étudier sérieusement l’option d’un revenu de base européen. Ainsi commence une campagne de 12 mois visant à récolter plus d’un million de signatures.
- Si le nombre de signatures requis est atteint dans un an, alors la Commission Européenne accordera une audience aux promoteurs de l’ICE devant le Parlement européen.
- lancer un signal à tous les citoyens européens : pour la première fois dans le monde, des organisations et citoyens de quatorze pays ont décidé d’unir leurs force pour promouvoir le revenu de base. Il est clair qu’il ne s’agit que d’une première étape dans la création d’un mouvement social d’ampleur européenne autour de cette idée.
- Pour l’heure, le site permettant de soutenir l’initiative est encore en cours de préparation. Nous vous tiendrons bien sûr informés ici-même lorsque vous pourrez signer notre demande
10 Practical Tools for Building a Resilient Local Economy
- - By Tibor Katelbach
- 10 Practical Tools for Building a Resilient Local Economy
- We must think LOCALLY, and act now to begin growing a resilient local economy.
- Understand the full extent of the problem.
- Eternal “growth” is impossible on a finite planet. We are living in a contracting economy and life as we once knew it is changing forever
- we are going to have to use different economic tools than we have in the past: tools to facilitate transactions between people.
- Build resilience.
- we the people at the grassroots
- The crises we face demand that we work together with others in ways we never have done before.
- Develop practical life skills which will get you through challenges.
- Grow food. Now. Everywhere you can
- Relocalize: shift to lifestyles which require far less transportation
- Powerdown: decrease your energy dependence overall.
- An economy is like an ecosystem: it has many interrelated parts. We need to build much greater resilience into each of the parts – local business, currency, investment, measurement systems – in anticipation of what lies ahead.
- Practice sharing: Set up lots of sharing networks, like carpools, home repair groups, garden sharing, group purchasing, tool libraries, gift cultures and more. Do it now, while times are relatively good, so these networks will be in place when we really need them.
- Demand new economic indicators.
Economic Indicators are our measuring sticks. They’re the way we determine whether (or how far) we’re moving in the right direction. - “The economy” is the sum total of transactions between people. And people’s lives and experiences are about much more than just dollars, profit and growth.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Pixel Humain - democracie participative group favorite links are here.
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