26 avril 2013

PixelHumain 04/26/2013

  • Tags: pixelhumain

  • Le document est sorti en Février 2013. C'est la base de l'étude de marché. Détaillé par pays et tout et tout... A lire ici : http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/flash/fl_373_en.pdf Si on fait une demande de subvention à l'Europe je pense que s'appuyer sur ces chiffres est un plus...

    Tags: no_tag

    • Eurobarometer: Citizens Engaged in Participatory Democracy
    • A new report by Eurobarometer on citizen engagement in participatory democracy has been recently published. Here are some of the findings:
    • A third (34%) of respondents say that they have signed a petition in the last two years
    • According to the socio-demographic data, men are more likely than women to have used various means of expressing their views, including taking part in a public debate at local/regional level (22% vs. 15% for women), expressing their views to a local elected representative (27% vs. 20%), and expressing their views via the Internet or social media (32% vs. 25%)
    • A fifth of respondents (20%) are members of an organisation with a specific economic, social, environmental, cultural or sporting interest
    • Overall, 45% of women say that they did none of these things in order to express their views, as opposed to 38% of men.
    • People in different age groups demonstrate preferences for using different means of expressing their views on public issues. Younger respondents are more likely to use the Internet or social media: 42% of 15-24 year-olds did this during the past two years, but this falls to 17% among people aged 55 or over
    • The full report is available here [PDF]. 

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Pixel Humain - democracie participative group favorite links are here.

24 avril 2013

PixelHumain 04/24/2013

  • Tags: pixelhumain

    • What is Dotmocracy
    • decision-making meeting with many people and felt frustrated with the lack of progress?
    • Have you ever attended a forum or workshop where dozens of people brainstormed a long list of ideas, but there was no sensible way to collectively prioritize all the results and recognize the best suggestions?
    • provide a solution for these kinds of challenges
    • Dotmocracy is a transparent, equal opportunity, and participatory large group decision-making tool
    • Participants write down ideas on specially designed paper forms called Dotmocracy sheets and use pens to fill in one dot per sheet, recording their levels of agreement. The result is a graph-like visual representation of the group's collective opinion.
  • Encore un concurrent... Il reprend pas mal les thèmes de PH...

    Tags: no_tag

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Pixel Humain - democracie participative group favorite links are here.

20 avril 2013

PixelHumain 04/20/2013

Posted from Diigo. The rest of Pixel Humain - democracie participative group favorite links are here.